Say WHAT?!

People in positions of authority say things.

They make public statements. Even sometimes when they’re not trying to make a statement, they make a statement.

They say something — it happens.

What if I lived my life like that?

I’ve been doing a lot of studying on the kingdom that God invited me into, as a child of Christ. Most people live a life below where God desires them to be. I’m also doing some work on grace and understanding that, but that’s a different blog (I blog for YesLord Radio’s iWord blog — check me out over there, but here is where I stretch out… lol).

This year has already been a year that has expedited things

into being. Now, I’m about to test God in so many ways. I’ve asked him to show me his will in every area of my life. Did that a long time ago. And he did. Now, I know that he’s given me the grace to accomplish everything, but I do know that it’s not going to be a cakewalk to get there. So what do I do?

I started looking to understand more about what other tools are available to me as a believer. I found that my greatest weapon — the same weapon God used to bring the earth into existence — I wasn’t using! My mouth and saying what He’s shown me.

So now I’m working on it. Having read a number of books in the past month — from "Empowering Yourself" (Harvey Coleman) to "The Ultimate Secret" (Dr. Pat Francis) (and a host of other tools on Christ/believership/etc) I’m feeling some type of way.

I’m tracking the changes and I’m testing God on his principals.

I’ve sowed. I’ve written the vision. I pray. I ask for revelation. I receive God’s experience — which means whatever and however that is (direction/visitation/etc).

Now, I am growing that. My my my my my my my!

I thank God for every Pastor I’ve sat with, sat under and listened to. I’m thankful for how they let God use them — because it was for me!

I thank God for the saints in CA, DC, NY and TN who keep me in prayer. Your support is worth more than the worlds’ gold.

I’m thankful for my friends. I love supporting you and you encouraging me. If we’re geese flying, you’re honking me forward in my life.

And finally…. but chiefly… I’m thankful for G. His love, grace and power astound me daily.